
Albrecht Altdorfer's paradox landscape

Few paintings can be safely said to be unique and original in as many ways as Albrecht Altdorfer’s “Battle of Issus” (1529). First, it could well be the biggest crowd ever depicted on a single work of art: the armies of Alexander the Great and the Persian king Darius are literally thousands of miniature human figures worked in exhaustive detail, forming smaller battle fronts here and there. The Greek warriors are shown dressed and armed like German knights on an Alpine landscape of mountains, castles and churches while, not surprisingly for a time when even Vienna was threatened by the Ottomans, the Persians are depicted as turbaned Turks. Alexander himself, in bright armour, is shown chasing Darius who is fleeing for his life.
It is another of Altdorfer’s novelties that various statistics of the battle appear on banners and shields, not very different than the basketball game statistics on our TV screens today. A huge tablet hangs high over the heads of the soldiers, against a magnificent, turbulent sky, bearing an inscription in Latin:
“The defeat of Darius by Alexander the Great, following the deaths of 100000 Persian soldiers and more than 10000 Persian horsemen. King Darius’ mother, wife and children were taken prisoner, together with about 1000 fleeing horse – soldiers.”
The whole scene is viewed from a “bird’s eye” view, offering a vast panorama of the land, the sea and the sky far in the distance. Issus was an ancient settlement close to present day Iskenderun, Turkey, not far from the Turkish – Syrian border. Altdorfer took much of his information on the eastern Mediterranean geography from “Schedelsche Welt Chronik” (Schedel’s World Chronicle, 1493), a work by the Nurnberg physician Hartmann Schedel. In this work Issus was identified with an area near Tarsus, some 100 km west of the Iskenderun area. The “Battle of Issus”, viewed as a map, is basically accurate. Altdorfer has paid particular attention in depicting the geography of the eastern Mediterranean region as faithfully as possible. The Mediterranean Sea, the island of Cyprus, the northern part of the African continent, the river Nile and its presumed sources deep in the horizon and finally the Red Sea are features easily recognizable in the painting.
Above the battlefield the huge, tumultuous sky and the cosmic, eternal battle between light and darkness makes the human battle below seem petty and almost comically microscopic. On the upper left part of the sky the lunar crescent can be seen while diametrically, in the lower right, where the west is supposed to be, the solar disk struggles with a vortex of clouds. The line of the horizon is obviously curved, denoting the round shape of the earth and making the composition resemble a satellite image: the “Battle of Issus” may thus be not only the first painting ever depicting a curved horizon but also the first painting ever depicting in a cosmic scale at the same time the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.
Much has been written about the meaning and symbolism of the “Battle of Issus”, the anachronisms and inaccuracies present in the picture (e.g. the presence of women in the midst of the battle), especially in the historical context of the time and in the context of the Altdorfer’s presumed own beliefs. However, from our mathematical or quantitative point of view, the painting presents also many small challenges for direct measurements and calculations and provides interesting information about Altdorfer’s understanding of the world and its dimensions. Several features of the composition are particularly striking when examined quantitatively from a scientific point of view and may even seem puzzling or paradoxical.
First, a question is raised about the relative sizes of objects, figures and geographical features as depicted in the painting. It seems extraordinary that ships sailing even south of Cyprus, halfway between Cyprus and the Nile, can be observed from the painter’s point of view, supposedly located in southern Asia Minor. Even more remarkable is the fact that the length of these ships, sailing behind the island of Cyprus, is about 1/30 of the apparent length of Cyprus itself. A clear indication about the distances as depicted in the painting is provided by the sizes of the solar and lunar disks. It seems that Altdorfer had not realized that the apparent size of the moon and the sun are almost identical: his sun’s diameter is almost half than his crescent’s diameter. It must be noted however that the crescent has the correct orientation with respect to the sun which shows that the painter had a good understanding of the relation between the two celestial bodies. Using the method described in a previous essay (“Sowing suns and reaping distances in Van Gogh’s paintings”, September 2008) and assuming that the biggest ship sailing south of Cyprus in the painting has an actual size of 30 m, the distance between the painter and the ship is estimated to be a little more than 13 km, which is anywhere between 2 – 11% of the actual distance. To put it differently, had Altdorfer depicted this distance correctly, the ship’s length should be anywhere between 270 m and 1500 m (note that the largest supertankers today have a length of 400 m approximately). Just as distances are greatly underestimated, heights are greatly exaggerated to make a more vivid and spectacular relief. It seems therefore that Altdorfer painted lengths and distances liberally and rather arbitrarily without any quantitative concern.
Second, it is questionable whether it is even possible for anyone to see so far and so deep in the horizon as Altdorfer suggests in his painting, regardless of how perfect her or his vision may be. The obvious reason is the curvature of the earth, the very curvature Altdorfer so nicely rendered in the horizon line. It is not difficult to prove that an observer standing at a height h meters from sea level can see a point on sea level only if the distance of this point from the observer does not exceed A=sqrt(h^2+2hR) meters, where R is the earth radius. Assuming that h=9000 m (approximately equal to the highest peak on earth) and R=6400 km, we get a distance A=340 km, which is the maximum distance an observer could possibly look into the horizon towards a point at sea level under perfect conditions on planet Earth (given that the highest peak would be appropriately located). In “Battle of Issus” the landscape stretches from Asia Minor to the Red Sea and beyond, at a distance of at least 1100 km and probably much more than that. The elevation in the Iskenderun region or the Tarsus area, where Issus is supposed to have been, does not exceed 3000 m by the most generous estimation and therefore the most distant visible point at sea level could not have been further away than 200 km. Though Altdorfer has made an effort to depict a round earth, the magnificent landscape view he offers is actually impossible or paradoxical and would correspond better to a cylindrical shaped planet, curved across one direction and flat across another, rather than a spherical one.
Third, the curvature of the horizon indicates a specific assumed size of the earth which can be calculated by relating the lengths of the corresponding chord and versine (i.e. the line segment drawn perpendicular to a chord, between the midpoint of that chord and the circumference of the circle). The horizon arc chord and its versine can be directly measured and their ratio q (chord/versine) is found to be approximately equal to 45. It is straightforward to calculate the arc length L of the horizon:


where R is the earth’s radius, cotan is the inverse tangent function and pi=3.14159… is the well known ratio of the diameter over the circumference of any circle. Taking again R=6400 km, the arc length L is found to be approximately equal to 570 km. This is a result almost half than expected and certainly not enough to include the river Nile, the Red Sea and even large parts of land on the west and on the east at one picture. However, it can be considered a remarkable and delicate intuitive touch by the painter, within a reasonable degree of accuracy.
It seems that in the “Battle of Issus” Altdorfer had no concern whatever about the quantitatively accurate depiction of relative sizes, lengths and distances or about the plausibility of the offered landscape. From that point of view, scientific truth is not quantitatively present in the painting and is not one of the artist’s considerations, making thus the “Battle of Issus” a paradox image.